Learning Experience & Opportunities

Curricular Programmes/Activities

As HKBU places great emphasis on students’ out-of-class experiential learning, many programmes incorporate seminars/visits into their curricula.

  • Visits to museums, galleries, studios and factories are learning activities common to the BA (Hons) in Visual Arts programme (VART 2135 Looking through the Lens, VART 3336 Material Culture and Collections, VART 2336 Exhibition and Art Markets, and VART 2256 Product Design).
  • Research postgraduate students of the Department of Geography are expected to attend GEOG 7010-40 Advanced Seminar on Contemporary Geographic Research and give a presentation at the seminar during their period of study.
  • The Department of Physical Education (PE) will organize three to four seminars a year, and all research postgraduate students, research assistants and academic staff of PE are invited to attend. Such seminars offer a platform for research postgraduate students to present/share their views and ideas.

Students are required to take practicum/fieldwork placements/supervised teaching practice in the following programmes:

  • BSocSc (Hons) in Psychology (APPY 4108-09 Psychology in Applied Settings – Practicum I & II);
  • Bachelor of Social Work (Hons); and
  • The double-degree programmes of BA (Hons) in History/BSocSc (Hons) in Sociology/Geography and BEd (Hons) in Liberal Studies Teaching.

An overseas immersion programme/study tours is/are included in the following programmes:

  • BA (Hons) in Physical Education and Recreation Management; and
  • The double-degree programme of BA (Hons) in English Language and Literature and BEd (Hons) in English Language Teaching.
  • GEOG 3005 Field Camp is included in BSocSc (Hons) in Geography.

Internship is included in the following programmes:

  • BA (Hons) in Physical Education and Recreation Management;
  • BSocSc (Hons) in Sport and Recreation Leadership; and
  • BSocSc (Hons) in China Studies.

Practice courses are also offered under BA (Hons) in Visual Arts. These courses usually require students to create artworks to manifest the outcome of learning. Students taking VART 2147 Installation Art in August 2014 has each put up his/her installation in an assigned space in the PMQ, and together these became a pop-up exhibition open for access to the visitors.

Co-/Extra-curricular programmes/activities

Complementary to, and in supplement for academic programmes, many non-curricular (or co-/extra-curricular) activities are also designed to help enrich students’ educational experience and students attain the University’s Graduate Attributes.

Means of co-/extra-curricular educational modes include:


Overseas scholars were invited by the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing (HMW) to give talks on their expertise.


Participation in the Graduation Show, an annual exhibition for the public on the Kai Tak campus, is principally a requirement to fulfill the presentation requirement of the Honours/Master Project of the BA (Hons) in Visual Arts/Master of Visual Arts (MVA) programmes. The BA Graduation Exhibition 2014 (opened on 30 May at the Kai Tak campus) was extended to take place in K11 Art Mall in Tsimshatsui from 12 July-31 August 2014, with a selection of works of 23 students. Annual exhibition is also held by the Visual Arts Student Society (HKBU) in March every year.

On a regular basis, the Academy of Visual Arts (AVA) calls for exhibition proposals from students, and selects proposals based on its quality in originality, exhibition concept, aesthetic and educational significance and practicality. Proposals from students of different programmes and levels are received. Some selected student exhibitions include:

  • “I am a Grade D Artist” by Law Nga Wing (PhD student) from 2-11 November 2013 at the Koo Ming Kown Exhibition Gallery;
  • “A Delivery of 5 Senses” by 15 MVA students from 26 April-5 May 2013 at the Koo Ming Kown Exhibition Gallery; and
  • An exhibition by Tony Wong (BA Year 3 student) from 21 January-6 February 2012 at the AVA Gallery on the Kai Tak campus.

Workshops and Service Learning Activities

Writing workshops and workshops on table manners have been organized by Master of Arts in Language Studies and HMW respectively. Service learning activities are arranged for Chinese Medicine orthopedics by the School of Chinese Medicine (SCM) whereas summer internship has been organized by the following Departments:

  • Department of Religion and Philosophy (REL);
  • Department of Biology; and
  • Department of Education Studies.

Study Tours/Overseas Performance Tours

REL offers the Lanzhou and the European study tours to students in the Arts Faculty in summer every year; so do HMW and SCM, which also arrange study tour in summer every year. Overseas performance tours are also organized by the Department of Music.


For instance, students may take up local/non‐local work attachments through the Local Attachment Opportunities or the Metropolitan Attachment Programme.

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